
I have a Ph.D. in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research and I am currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.

I am actively involved in the EduLab, a collaborative research group based at the University of Milan. We are dedicated to advancing academic knowledge and informing policy makers through theoretically driven, rigorous empirical work in the field of sociology of education and social stratification.

I am interested in the institutional and informal constraints that prevent equal educational opportunities for all. My approach covers a range of perspectives: comparing educational inequalities across different contexts, analyzing how school organizational features influence these disparities, and examining the impact of digitalization on educational access.

I have strong technical skills in handling and analyzing large datasets, and I’m proficient in Stata, R, and Python (including Pandas, Numpy, and BeautifulSoup). My expertise allows me to implement advanced statistical analyses and manage complex data effectively.

At the University of Luxembourg, I worked as a member of the Centre for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) to study the impact of digitalization on young people’s life chances. Please visit the website at this link. Before moving to the University of Luxembourg, I completed a Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Trento, where I am a member of the Trento Center for Social Research Methods, the Center for Social Inequality Studies, and the Inequalitrees Project (as Research Advisor).

I have presented at several international conferences and seminars (e.g., RC28 and ECSR), and my work has been published in the journals Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, European Sociological Review, Journal of Happiness Studies, Socio-economic Planning Science, and Scuola Democratica- Learning for Democracy.